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Winning the talent war – Positive feedback is proven to improve business

By February 20, 2022 No Comments

Winning the talent war – Positive feedback is proven to improve business

Thought leading organisations around the world understand the value of passionate employees and what they bring to their brand.

Unfortunately, too many companies still do not appreciate the correlation between passionate and engaged employees, and brand value and corporate performance

The success and power of positive feedback and appreciation when implementing an employee recognition program derives from appreciations ability to synchronise your employee’s expectations. Synchronisation of appreciation assures you that what you want from your employees and managers is what they are willing and expect to do for your business.

Synchronised expectations when delivered by implementing a culture of appreciation can substantially grow your business, reduce staff turnover, improve productivity, increase customer experience through improved levels of employee engagement.

More specifically, engaged employees who feel appreciated, valued, respected and part of the corporate vision will deliver:

  • Increased employee commitment
  • Greatly reduced employee absenteeism and turnover
  • The creation of a better, more reliable product or service
  • Product or service elevated from a price driven “commodity” to valued experience
  • Increased customer loyalty.

All of which will have a positive impact on your bottom line.

This is not wishful thinking. It is not theory. It has been supported by world leading organisations such as Gallup and it is proven that Appreciation and Positive Feedback has demonstrable benefits.

With the global economy starting to gear up in the post Covid era, and with labour shortages likely in many industries as highlighted by Gallup, talent retention and attraction should be a high priority for any business committed to competing in the post Covid world of work.

Implementing a Culture of Appreciation will have a positive impact on your staff retention and attraction strategy, making you an employer of choice.

If you don’t look after your employees and meet their needs your competitors will.

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