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Multi award winning employee recognition and rewards platform.


People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards.

Dale Carnegie, Leadership Training Guru


Discover the benefits of Brownie Points

Build a Culture of Appreciation with Brownie Points

Many organisations are struggling to meet at least one of the following challenges.

  1. Retention and recruitment of top performers
  2. Increasing productivity and employee engagement
  3. Generating a greater guest/customer experience
  4. Reducing absenteeism

Brownie Points is proven to deliver a measurable return on your investment through reduced staff turnover, increased productivity and improved customer experience.

Changes in any of the above can have a huge positive impact on your bottom line.

Our multi award winning employee reward and recognition platform will help you unlock and maximise the passion and drive in your employees.

Engaged employees are proven to take fewer sick days, stay longer, are more productive and deliver greater customer/guest experience.

Want to know how we can help you? Contact us today at for a free consultation.

Download our Stakeholder Questionnaire

Putting your people first –
The new world of work

    Culture of Appreciation

    real-time recognition

    Our mobile app provides you with the next generation solution to drive a culture of Real-time Appreciation – Anywhere, Anytime.

    Recognition loses its impact value when given out of context or in an untimely manner. That is why it should always be accessible, wherever you are, to maximise the impact of the appreciation. Our innovative and instant Reward and Recognition platform is designed to champion human achievement and connection.

    This is one of the key ways to engage, retain and motivate all your employees in today’s work culture.

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    Give recognition for on-boarding success, academic excellence or other notable achievements


    Achieving the highest standards of work by helping customers and colleagues

    My Actions

    Solving a customer issue or working with a colleague to the highest level to produce a positive outcome


    Doing something really awesome for a colleague and going “above and beyond”

    Customer focus

    Understanding what clients or guests want and delivering a great experience to ensure their satisfaction

    Case Studies

    Employee engagement is one of the leading business issues and a major driver across commercial, not for profit and government organisations around the world.

    Brownie Points employee recognition and reward programs are proven to deliver major benefits in engagement for any organisation, regardless of the market sector or size.

    Read our Blog

    Proven and
    Risk Free

    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

    Brownie Points employee recognition and reward programs are proven to light the fire in your employees, delivering improved staff performance, reduced turnover and a greater customer experience to all organisations, commercial or NFP, regardless of size or budget.

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    icon configurable


    Brownie Points makes it easy to personalise your employee recognition and reward engagement program.

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    Manager Dashboard

    Regular reviews guarantee that your business drivers and return on investment are all in balance with your business objectives.


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    Extensive Choice
    of Rewards

    A dynamic, web-based, mobile friendly, Rewards Catalogue uploaded with inspirational and meaningful, tangible rewards centered on what your team loves.

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    Choice Plan

    Choice Plan is complementary to our multi award winning employee recognition platform and focuses on all aspects of employee health and wellbeing.

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    Brownie Points

    Read the valuable insights
    we gleaned from our research.

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