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Creating a High-Performance Culture

By March 13, 2022 No Comments

Creating a High-Performance Culture

At Brownie Points, we have been promoting the benefits of developing a Culture of Appreciation for several years. Trudy Mc Donald’s video (link below), was recorded two years ago, and aligns closely with our ideals. It is well worth watching.

In this video Trudy Mc Donald from Talent Code HR shares practical steps you can take in your business to help you create a high performance and highly accountable culture. Often leaders implement a range of people initiatives, but these never quite hit the mark or show a true ROI in terms of embedding a culture of accountable high performers that support business objectives and strategy. So what are some foundational steps you can take to embed high performance within your organisation?*|URL:EMAIL|*

Thought leading organisations around the world understand the value of passionate employees and what they bring to their business. They appreciate the correlation between motivated and engaged employees, and brand value and corporate performance

Passionate employees are proven to take fewer sick days, stay longer, are more productive and deliver greater customer/guest experience.

2022 and 2023 are predicted to be the years of “Talent wars” according to Gallup, and many companies will struggle to attract and retain staff, and this can be a huge expense. The cost of staff turnover is often overlooked, but if you would like to know what it costs your business, click on the link below. The calculation is based on Gallup’s figures on the cost to replace staff. The result may shock you.

We are delighted to be working with Jeremy Scrivens in our mission to promote passion in the work place by rewarding acts of kindness, and elevating behaviours from good to great, thus improving engagement and competitive advantage by making you an employer of choice and a great place to work.

Jeremy is recognised as a global thought leader and has been voted as one of the worlds “most influential writers” on developing passion in the workplace in several recent polls.

Leading recognition platforms such as Brownie Points help clients unlock the passion in their employees in the new hybrid work world, focusing on behaviours to deliver a Culture of Appreciation that will improve employee experience, engagement, health, wellbeing and drive passion and discretionary effort.

Looking after your staff, appreciating their contribution and giving positive feedback is important to the health of your business.

If you don’t recognise the talent in your organisation your competitors will.

Tony Delaney, CEO Brownie Points

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