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The time to recognise your staff is NOW

By April 10, 2022 No Comments

The time to start recognising your staff is NOW

There are still a disappointingly large number of surveys being published that show that the level of employee disengagement continues to run at a high level.

A recent survey from HC Online quoted that 21% of employees are actively disengaged. That means  one in five staff members are actually working against their employers. Can you believe the impact that must be having on the bottom line?

The global pandemic has triggered a shift from 1st Stream Change to 2nd Stream Change where people are at the centre and the reason for the change. The Great Resignation is requiring companies to rethink how they engage their people in change and take them with them on the change journey as co change-makers.

People want more from organisational change projects. They expect their work experience and contribution to be augmented by change. This is being called The Great Awakening. At Brownie Points we call this the New World of Work.

Thought leading organisations around the world understand the value of passionate employees and what they bring to their business.

They appreciate the correlation between passionate and engaged employees, and brand value and corporate performance.

Engaged employees are proven to take fewer sick days, stay longer, are more productive and deliver greater customer/guest experience.

Global consulting organisations such as Gallup are predicting that post Covid we will see the years of “talent wars” as many employees (up to 50%) look to move on from their current role, having waited during the pandemic as a form of security.

Implementing a strategy around talent retention and attraction is critical to businesses looking to become an employer of choice and compete in the war for talent.

If staff turnover is an issue for you, please take a minute to complete the form on the link below to see what it is costing you to replace your lost talent.

To implement a strategy to build a Culture of Appreciation, as with any organisational change being considered, it takes time to plan, deliver, review and refine. An employee recognition program may well take 12 months or more before the real benefits are experienced, so you should get started and plan your strategy now.

In order to set off in the right direction, there are several key principals to consider to make a recognition program successful. Here are three ideas to consider:

Walk the walk. A culture of recognition has to start from the top. Without senior management ‘buy in’ and endorsement your recognition program is destined to fail.

Peer to Peer. Your staff will know their colleagues better than anyone, and they know who the star performers are. Empower them to recognise peer to peer behaviours in staff going the ‘extra mile’. Peer recognition is a powerful motivator, and with the right safeguards in place, will not be open to abuse.

Recognise often and in time. The more frequent the recognition, the greater the impact. Even more important is that the recognition should take place as close to the time the behaviour was observed as possible. Instant or close to instant recognition has been proven to be a powerful weapon in the war of engagement.

Developing a successful culture of employee recognition that has a positive impact on the business means more than saying thank you to your employees. It’s about establishing a culture where the staff feel comfortable, confident, and care enough to share what really matters in their workplace.

Proudly to be working with world renowned thought leader Jeremy Scrivens to develop workshops to maximise the investment in your employees, we are becoming known as the employee recognition platform of choice for thought leading organisations around the world.

So, if you are not thinking about how to motivate, engage and inspire your staff you should be asking yourself why? A well planned and executed recognition program can deliver major business benefits.

After all, if you don’t recognise your employees your competitors will.

Tony Delaney, CEO Brownie Points

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