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Do you have a Wellbeing strategy?

By April 3, 2023 No Comments

Wellbeing strategy

In these uncertain times, one thing’s for sure: the pandemic has re-shaped our lives forever. In the work sphere, it has forced employers to look at the employee experience with a new understanding of what people want and need. And it’s no longer just about the job.

Awareness and attitudes around mental health and wellbeing were already changing; the pandemic has simply turned up the volume on these conversations.

With reports of higher burnout, a spotlight has been shone on the workplace, which has likely sped up some of this attitude shift.

So, what do employees want “prioritising mental wellbeing” to look like?

First, they want to see greater awareness – a prerequisite for tackling the issue. Employees want companies to acknowledge mental health – to have a mental health strategy, to promote it, address it, talk about it.

Second, they want action. Whether that is at an organisation level by reducing psychosocial risk factors, at an interpersonal level by upskilling line managers, or at an individual level by providing people with the tools, resources and signposting to mental health support.

As we begin to understand how multi-faceted the employee experience is, and as it’s become easier to talk about mental illness, we’re seeing it’s no longer about an employee being at one end of the spectrum or another – either having mental health problems or not. It’s a realisation that it’s about supporting people to flourish.

Implementing a wellbeing, recognition and positive appreciation strategy to value your employees, build their passion and improve employee experience will go some way to addressing these key issues.

If you don’t implement a strategy to maximise employee experience, be prepared to lose your top performers, as your competitors will appreciate them.

Tony Delaney, CEO Brownie Points

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