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Building Team Morale

By September 8, 2024 No Comments

Building Team Morale

When it comes to team morale, encourage autonomy and delegate responsibility.

Equip managers with the tools and resources to recognise and reward individuals and teams’ achievements and allow them to tailor their approach to their team members’ specific needs and strengths.

Focus on solution and growth.

Encourage a collaborative approach to problem solving by fostering open dialogue between senior leadership and middle managers. Provide channels to communicate when challenges arise and most importantly celebrate when those challenges have been overcome.

Invest in manager development and support.

Recognise the significant pressure managers face and offer resources such as access to an Employee Assistance Program, mental health support and coaching and training to ensure they can manage their own wellbeing and lead by example.

Provide targeted training programs to equip managers with the skills to handle difficult conversations, manage remote teams, share concerns and seek support from their superiors.

Develop processes and tools to cascade communication.

Enable a clear and consistent communication flow from executive leaders to middle managers and their teams to ensure everyone has visibility of the corporate goals, values, challenges and share in the successes of the company.

Implementing these things will help your managers develop, and be successful in managing, which will in turn generates a positive attitude among employees and will help drive their passion for the good of the organisation and their own personal development.

Tony Delaney, CEO Brownie Points.

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