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A great week for Brownie Points

By May 13, 2012 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

This has been a memorable week for Brownie Points and for me personally.

On Tuesday and Thursday I carried out my first public speaking events as a so called “industry expert”. While I do not regard myself as an expert by any stretch of the imagination, I do have a good knowledge and understanding of what motivates people in the workplace, and I am constantly learning. The topic was “How to motivate and engage staff”. With more than 20 businesses at each event we had some really good discussions on how to inspire staff in a way that leads to measurable business improvement.  Many great ideas and experiences were presented by the audience and it was pleasing to see that many businesses had already realised the benefits that staff reward and recognition programs can deliver. I am confident that the businesses concerned will continue to maximise the investment in their key assets, their employees, to the benefit of all concerned.

On Friday evening we attended the Cardinia Business Awards and walked away as runners up in the Telstra sponsored Business and Professional Services category which was really pleasing. Even more gratifying was that Brownie Points was the winner in the Regional Development of Australia sponsored award for Innovation. This win qualifies us for entry into the Victorian Business of the Year awards later this year. This is tremendous achievement for Brownie Points, and demonstrates strongly that our solution can deliver significant business value.

At Brownie Points we have a passion for helping businesses improve performance by encouraging staff to perform more effectively. When you operate a program that allows your business to measure the improvement to your bottom line, while rewarding the staff for their contribution, you have a powerful combination which should ensure success.

If you would like to discuss how we can help your business, give the team  a call on 03 9909 7411 or email us at




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