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Attracting employees post Covid

By October 14, 2020 No Comments

Companies that aim to be a “great place to work” know what it takes to attract and retain quality employees. While they make many attempts, most companies haven’t reached this status, and many have lost, or laid off their best staff during these turbulent times, and they may not return.

When it comes to hiring, what exactly makes a best-in-class company?

The successful companies have shown a decrease (in terms of overall category statistics) in time to hire, an increase in revenue per full-time equivalent and low turnover rates in their new hires’ first 12 months, according to the 500 C-Suite executives surveyed in Adecco’s The Definitive Guide to Building a Better Workforce.

Here are some pointers to help you reach best-in-class status:

Understand why everyone is job-hopping.
Job-hopping has become a trending topic over the last couple of years. Opportunities have opened up in the job market, even in these turbulent times, and employees aren’t afraid of leaving their current roles anymore. In 2018, LinkedIn surveyed more than 10,000 people in its Global Job Seeker Trends: Why and How People Change Jobs study and found that the number of active job-seekers had grown by 36 percent over the previous four years.

The LinkedIn survey showed employees are leaving their jobs due to concerns about career advancement and dissatisfaction with management/leadership. So, companies need to evaluate opportunities for employees. If their structure has no room for growth, they should consider what changes should be made to show current and future employees there is a future for them within the organisation.

Look to one-on-one meetings and feedback surveys to see if leadership and management is living up to the expectations of employees. Companies may find both management and employees are doing their jobs well, but a disconnect is creating misunderstandings that are impacting engagement and retention. Careful analysis of this gap can help both parties rise to meet their respective expectations and improve job satisfaction.

Close the skills gap.
Best-in-class companies are aware of major issues, such as skills gaps. Not only are these companies aware, they are finding ways to close the gaps. The previously mentioned Adecco survey shows best-in-class companies are 17 percent more likely to identify skills gaps in the current workforce and future business requirements.

Hiring both permanent and temporary talent to fill in skills gaps will relieve pressure from current employees. Look ahead to the company’s future and determine what those hiring needs will be. Relieving the pressure of skills gaps and preparing for the future will allow each employee to perform at their peak of productivity.

Provide continuous education
Employees desire to be successful in their careers, but when companies neglect to provide tools to heighten productivity and success, employees look elsewhere for better opportunities. Adecco found that 22 percent of best-in-class companies were more likely to increase their training offerings to ensure their employees had the critical skills necessary to perform in their roles.

Keeping education accessible, relevant and up to date gives employees the opportunity to excel in their positions and feel that they’re making a difference. Companies should not waste money by guessing what the employees need and missing the mark in development investment.
Make your vision clearly known.

For leaders, a mission statement may seem like old news or something that is pasted into an employee handbook, but employees are looking for something meaningful to hold on to. 47% percent of those surveyed in the previously mentioned LinkedIn Global Job Seeker Trends report said they joined a small organisation because they thought a they could make a bigger impact.

If your company is looking to increase its retention stats, sit down and speak with employees about your company’s vision statement. Discuss what that message means to the company, what it means to clients/customers and how employees are adding value to the statement. Once employees understand their role in realising the greater good of the mission statement, they are more likely to increase productivity and remain in their roles longer.

We have recently developed a “Staff Retention Calculator” and loaded it onto our web site. It will quantify the staff turnover costs at your organisation, and is based on Gallup’s accepted cost of turnover model. We are happy to share this with you. Go to to calculate the cost of staff turnover in your business.

With this information, we can work with you to develop an employee engagement program guaranteed to reduce your staff turnover costs.

If you are looking to become an employer of choice call the Brownie Points team today on +61 (0) 3 9909 7411 and discuss how we could add value to your brand, or email us at to arrange a no obligation demonstration.

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