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Effective Staff Recognition Programs

By March 9, 2021 No Comments

Staff recognition and reward programs should deliver a clearly measurable result to your bottom line while inspiring, motivating and engaging your staff to deliver discretionary effort.

Increasing staff loyalty, reducing staff turnover, improving customer service and increasing sales can lead to major improvements in your business, and your staff should share in those rewards.

Employee reward programs don’t have to be expensive, they just need to deliver an effective way to reinvigorate your staff, increase employee engagement and maximise productivity. Financial outlay should be funded out of the improvement to your business.

“69 per cent of workers surveyed say that non-monetary forms of recognition provide the best motivation.” The Gallup Organisation.

Most importantly, when deciding on the rewards that you plan to offer your staff, remember that different generations are excited by different things, so find out what rewards will best motivate them. An “experience” will leave a longer lasting impression with the recipient than cash, which may just pay some bills. In addition, a truly inspiring reward will be talked about with colleagues, friends and relatives, driving the desire to attain further rewards. With a well implemented reward program, the cost of the rewards should be a fraction of the perceived value to the recipient.

Brownie Points helps client design programs that maximise the ROI on recognition programs, which are quick to implement, simple to personalise and exciting to use, while delivering a measurable return on investment.

To learn more, call the Brownie Points team today on 03 9909 7411 or email us at

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