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The changing role of HR

By August 24, 2024 No Comments

The changing role of HR

The role of HR Managers has been changing over the years. More businesses are aligning the role of HR to best manage and grow their company most effectively.

It’s fair to say that companies today are constantly examining their HR function with a goal of figuring out best practices and best allocation of time.

HR deals with many issues, but probably the biggest challenges facing HR managers today are recruitment, retention and motivation, leadership development and corporate culture.

As HR works to move to a more strategic role, addressing these key issues has become a continual and time-consuming process.

Recruitment, retention and motivation may be the most challenging issues that HR managers face today. Human Resources professionals anticipate that retaining their best employees will be their greatest challenge in 2024 and beyond according to a recent poll by the Society for Human Resource Management.

59% of respondents ranked this factor in their top three challenges, compared to 51% on 2020.

Predictions indicate there will be a lot of people looking for new jobs when the economy improves.

There is always a perception that the “grass is greener on the other side of the street.” In times of economic slowdown and periods when growth is slow, employees become more open to considering other employment options, so a sound retention strategy is key to keeping top performers.

Retention has become tougher than at any time in the past and has become a heightened issue.

Building a workplace where employees are motivated is an ongoing issue for HR professionals. Offering positive reinforcement and feedback to team members has become an ongoing initiative, and platforms such as Brownie Points are playing a significant role to drive passion in employees.

HR managers must inspire and coach employees to become top performers, and HR managers need to step up to the plate and take responsibility for these critical elements in order to retain and attract top talent.

Tony Delaney, CEO Brownie Points

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