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The shelf life of ‘thank you.’

By March 23, 2021 No Comments

‘Thank you for doing a great job’ is perfect for recognising exceptional staff behaviour, and costs nothing to say. However, the recipient is likely to feel appreciated when they hear these words, assuming the feedback is timely, appropriate, and sincere.

However, there is a ‘shelf life’ on ‘thank you’ and ‘great job.’ Here’s why.

Situation 1. As a manager you invite Jane into your office for a one on one discussion. You say “Jane, I want to thank you for your efforts over the past month. You have done a great job. Well done,” Jane leaves your office feeling motivated and inspired that she has been recognised.

Situation 2. At a team meeting you recognise Jane like this. “I would like everyone to be aware that Jane has done a tremendous job during the past three months. She has come into work early, left late and has ensured that our project deadlines with company ABC were met. Jane, thank you.” Jane is given a round of applause and is pumped with the accolade.

Situation 3. At a company meeting you praise Jane. You might say “Guys, I want to acknowledge Jane. Over the past 6 months she has worked tirelessly to promote our business and sell our new product lines. As a result of her fantastic efforts, we have made an extra $1.5 million profit so I have bought myself a new Ferrari. Thank you Jane.”

How does Jane feel at this stage? I can guarantee it will not be positive.

This is where WIIFM comes into play (What’s in it for me?).

The point is that while ‘thank you’ and ‘great job’ can play a significant part in a culture of recognition, at some point you need to share the spoils of your success by rewarding your high performing employees. These rewards should inspire your staff to continue performing at a high level and should reflect the value of their contributions to your business.

At Brownie Points we believe recognising performance and giving positive feedback really works… and we can make it work for you.

Brownie Points is working with thought leading organisations around the world to tailor employee feedback and recognition programs that have a positive impact on the bottom line.

With our growing network of alliance partners, we offer cost effective solutions for any business.

To learn how Brownie Points could make a difference in your business, call the team today on + 61 (3) 9909 7411 and book a free demonstration, or for more information email us at

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