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Disengaged employees: Obstacles to business growth

By July 8, 2021 No Comments

Disengaged employees can have a major negative influence on your business, and you cannot afford to ignore the situation. Here is a list of some of the things that disengaged employees do or don’t do, for you to look out for.

  • They don’t stay around because they often search for new and greener pastures, resulting in additional recruitment and onboarding costs.
  • They can be unreliable because of their personal agenda and distrust in their employer, often arriving late, leaving early and taking more sick leave than engaged staff.
  • Their level of customer service customer is likely to be lower, and may contribute in clients looking to place their business elsewhere.
  • Lower productivity and quality of work may increases costs and cost of service.
  • They tend not to be a team player because their agenda and priorities differs from the team.
  • They can be prone to accidents due to bad attitude and poor attention to their job.
  • They may discourage and harasses engaged employees, causing conflict, and their negative attitude might create a negative environment and effect on their co-workers.
  • They are often distracted because they don’t fully focus on the task at hand.

If any of these conditions relate to your company you need to take action sooner rather than later to minimise the impact on your business.

In most cases it is unlikely that you will “turn” a disengaged employee, so the best thing for you, for them and for your organisation would be to help them find an alternative employer before they infect your entire organisation. You will be doing everyone a favour.

Tony Delaney. CEO Brownie Points

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