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Don’t forget your backroom heroes

By April 14, 2019 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

The subject of staff commissions and bonuses can be a sensitive topic of conversation in any organisation.

Most companies pay their sales staff a commission based on performance. After all, these frontline staff are often seen as the lifeblood of a company.

But what about your forgotten heroes working behind the scenes, beavering away day after day, making sure that the wheels turn smoothly? They too play a critical role, and motivating and engaging these staff members is just as important if you are looking to improve your business performance, reduce staff turnover and improve customer or guest experience. After all, without these essential workers your business could not function.

Staff in back office or back of house departments such as administration, finance, despatch, logistics, warehousing, technical support, human resources, marketing, customer service, housekeeping, food and beverage, maintenance and production are often overlooked when it comes to recognition for their excellent efforts and behaviours. This could mean that you are not getting the best out of these staff members, and it could even affect their levels of engagement.

It is proven that inspired and motivated staff can make a major difference to your bottom line, so their efforts need to be recognised, especially when they are delivering discretionary effort. Timely feedback that is sincere and specific can have a dramatic effect on employee engagement.

Implementing a recognition (and reward?) program can help to ensure that all members of staff are rewarded for positive behaviour and discretionary effort. This in turn can significantly improve the areas of your business that were previously overlooked. Recognising and rewarding exceptional behaviour of staff members who exceed corporate values and KPIs can have a tremendous positive impact on your bottom line.

And don’t forget teams. A team incentive can also have a major impact on business performance and staff motivation.

A recognition and reward program doesn’t have to cost the earth and a well planned and implemented employee recognition program will deliver a significant return on your investment.

Many organisations are turning to platforms such as Brownie Points to deliver real time recognition in a consistent and transparent manner.

The platform is ideal for organisations with both desk-based and mobile workers and is particularly successful in the hospitality, services and Not for Profit industries. Our clients are delivering measurable results in a variety of industry sectors including aged care, hotels, financial services, call centres, concierge services, insurance assessment, credit unions, super funds, hospitals, mobile phone providers, software developers, law firms, conveyancing firms, medical centres, employment services, including disability employment services in the Government NDIS program, large government departments and charities.

At Brownie Points we believe recognising performance and giving positive feedback really works… and we can make it work for you. Our multi award winning platform builds and reinforces verbal communication and feedback while giving managers a dashboard of information on their staff.

Brownie Points is working with thought leading organisations around the world to tailor employee feedback and recognition programs that have a positive impact on the bottom line.

With our growing network of national and international alliance partners we are delivering cost effective employee recognition programs for a wide variety of businesses.

To learn how Brownie Points could make a difference in your business, call the team today on + 61 (3) 9909 7411 to discuss your plans, or for more information or to arrange a free demonstration email us at







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