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Giving positive feedback

By September 25, 2023 No Comments

If you give frequent, sincere and appropriate feedback on work done well you will improve staff performance and drive the passion in your team.

Far too often the only time employees know what their value is to the company is when they don’t have any, i.e. when they have done something wrong. Psychology has long proven that people respond far better to positive feedback than to negative.

When you consistently let your employees know what they are doing right, you accomplish several goals:

  1. You keep employees on the right track since they are likely to repeat behaviours they have been praised for.
  1. By valuing your teams efforts you increase your employees sense of competence, which in turn leads to increased competence on the job.
  1. When letting employees know how good their acts further the excellence and success of your product or service, you reinforce pride in contributing to that success.

The key to successful appreciative feedback is that it must be immediate as well as specific and sincere. It’s not something to put on your monthly “to do” list with comments like “tell John he is doing well.”

Instead, whenever a piece of work is properly done, a project comes in on time and under budget, or when a customer gives positive feedback, appreciation to the employee or team should be forthcoming. The more immediate the feedback the more impactful it is.

Giving immediate feedback makes it easier for the feedback to be specific. You can target your appreciation more effectively when the event is fresh in the mind.

As a manager you are more likely to be viewed as genuine when your appreciative comments are immediate and specific.

“You’re doing a great jo” may be sincere and may be heard a such the first few times, but after a while, such expressions feel too generic and automatic to mean much to the recipient.

Remember to be SMART;






Building a culture of appreciation to recognise people for “’doing something right” has a powerful effect on employees and the bottom line, through reduced staff turnover, improved productivity, and greater customer experience.

With the huge turnover of staff expected to continue during 2023, if you are not putting employee retention at the top of your priority list you will be in for a tough year.

Giving positive feedback and building passion in your employees by making them feel valued, appreciated, respected and part of the corporate vision will go a long way in doing so.

If you don’t appreciate your employees, your competitors will.

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