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Personalising your rewards is essential

By December 1, 2012 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

When you implement an employee recognition program, it is essential that the rewards you offer inspire your staff. If the rewards are not meaningful to the individual, the required changes in behaviour will not be realised and employee engagement will remain unchanged. Therefore, if you implement a one-size fits all approach to inspire employees, you are unlikely to realise true engagement with your staff.        

Furthermore, cash only recognition programs have been proven not to enhance employee engagement to the levels experienced where more personalised rewards were used to incentivise staff. A recent study in the U.S, questioned over 1,000 full time employees who received some type of reward or recognition. Overall, the study found employees were less likely to share their success (i.e. talking to colleagues), if they were rewarded with cash. In addition, 40% of the participants said that they used their cash rewards to pay bills, so the true value of the reward was lost. An effective recognition program should reward employees with products, services or experiences that are memorable and personal.

By structuring your recognition program around personal rewards (products, services or experiences), you are more likely to motivate your staff, change behaviour and therefore have a longer lasting impact on performance.

At Brownie Points we work with you to ensure that the rewards you offer will inspire and motivate your team. Our aim is to deliver the ideal reward program for your business, while delivering a return on your investment.

 To learn how Brownie Points can improve your business, call us today on 03 9909 7411 or email us at


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