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Recognise all great contribution

By May 30, 2022 No Comments

Recognise all great contribution

Don’t let a single opportunity for celebration or recognition go unheeded. Achieving goals, completing an induction or training program to a high standard, assisting a colleague to complete a project on time below budget all deserve a degree of appreciation as they all add value to your business.

Formal recognition has long been well understood by business leaders. Top performers are almost always given awards and special status. But what about all those who contribute consistently every day but often go under the radar? Those in accounting, HR, warehouse, distribution, front desk or housekeeping are vital to your business and also need to receive positive feedback for great work.

What’s far less well understood is the importance of simple, but highly effective recognition, both verbal and through low cost awards (e.g. certificates, smiley face or thumbs up images in an email, a Recognition Wall in the office or a section in the internal news bulletin, etc), to mark the diversity of employees effort and achievement.

Reasons for awards can be extremely varied, from receiving glowing client or guest thanks, pitching in to help without being asked, or mentoring a new colleague for example. Living your corporate values can also be a major reason to give positive feedback.

There is no reason to restrict appreciation to annual or monthly awards where too few people receive the recognition, which can often be for survival rather than contribution, so look to see how you can be create about giving feedback, and consider how to promote the actions across the organisation to maximise the impact.

The global pandemic has triggered a shift from 1st Stream Change to 2nd Stream Change where people are at the centre and the reason for the change. The Great Resignation is requiring companies to rethink how they engage their people in change and take them with them on the change journey as co change-makers.

People want more from organisational change projects. They expect their work experience and contribution to be augmented by change. This is being called The Great Awakening. At Brownie Points we call this the New World of Work.

Thought leading organisations around the world understand the value of passionate employees and what they bring to their business.

They appreciate the correlation between passionate and engaged employees, and brand value and corporate performance.

Engaged employees are proven to take fewer sick days, stay longer, are more productive and deliver greater customer/guest experience.

Global consulting organisations such as Gallup are predicting that post Covid we will see the years of “talent wars” as many employees (up to 50%) look to move on from their current role, having waited during the pandemic as a form of security.

Implementing a strategy around a Culture of Appreciation to aid talent retention and attraction is critical to businesses looking to become an employer of choice and compete in the war for talent.

If staff turnover is an issue for you, please take a minute to complete the form on the link below to see what it is costing you to replace your lost talent.

After all, if you don’t value your employees your competitors will.

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