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A new way of managing

By August 22, 2022 No Comments

A new way of managing

Employees can now work remotely and nomadically. The days of the huge corporate offices are a thing of the past, and many employees visit the office on an as needed basis, with hot desking reducing the need for office space.

This is the new world of working and living, and it requires a new way of managing. To succeed in the war for talent, managers must remain relevant and become emotionally flexible, not just with technology, but especially with the shifting needs and expectations of their employees.

The need to adopt a new way of managing or leading has never been more important or relevant than today if we want to be effective bosses, good parents, or valuable and productive citizens.

What worked in the past simply won’t work post Covid. In order to influence those working for us or around us, we need to better understand the changing world around us in which we thrive and operate.

We can successfully lead in todays world only if we reject the old and outdated “Command and Control” style of yesterday’s management and instead adopt a new style that’s more relevant to todays environment, and building a Culture to Trust and Inspire, with a high degree of positive feedback, autonomy and appreciation is what needs to be adopted.

Trusting and Inspiring is about seeing, communicating, developing, and unleashing the potential for greatness within your people by tapping what’s inside and what drives and motivates them.

It’s Intrinsic, and a manager’s job is to bring this out, to ignite the passion and fire within, and to create an environment where it’s possible and welcome.

Employees are demanding this type of leadership, and they want it now, NO EXCUSES!

Forward thinking business leaders are moving away from traditional Command and Control management styles towards this new people centred approach.

Building a Culture of Appreciation that Trusts and Inspires is a people centric management style for today.

It is what is needed to advance a business and society as a whole and it’s what enables us to build effective teams, and to encourage collaboration and innovation.

AND it’s what ATTRACTS, RETAINS and ENGAGES employees today, so make it a priority that you are on board if you want to maintain a competitive advantage.

Tony Delaney, CEO Brownie Points

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