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Are you setting the bar too low?

By January 21, 2013 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

A large number of organisations have implemented reward programs over the years, spending vast amounts of time and money on ideas to improve and reward staff performance. Far fewer have implemented reward programs that actually work and add value to the employee and the business. And even fewer manage to implement a program that can measure the expected improvement in employee performance.

We come across organisations time after time that ‘set the bar too low’ when looking at what to recognise and reward. In one of our first encounters with a prospective client we were informed that their reward program revolved solely around long service and birthdays– e.g. stay five years and choose a pen or clock. This is basically rewarding survival, not competence or excellence.  In other words the ‘survivors’ in the office wars win the goodies.  The fact is that what passes for recognition at many companies is simply a retention policy that rewards people for their staying power and nothing more. With a program like this, it is likely that the potential high flyers will not stick around.

In order for a staff recognition strategy and program to be truly effective it needs to be tied to an employee’s effort or quality of output while being in line with corporate visions and values. In other words, you need to understand ‘what is excellence’ in a particular area, and focus on the measurement points and how recognise, capture and report on these high levels of achievement.

Yes, you can offer great rewards and incentives, products, services, experiences or days off in lieu, but the main trick is to recognise employees for their contributions to the bottom line.

To learn more about how Brownie Points can help you raise the bar, call the team on 03 9909 7411 or email us at


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