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New Year Resolutions

By January 7, 2013 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

The New Year is upon us and most people are back at work. Are the same old challenges going to continue in your organisation or are you ready for a change?

Now is the perfect time to make those changes. Basing your New Year work resolutions on improving staff recognition will deliver significant benefit to your staff and your business. Employees are your most valuable asset, and they need constant nurturing, motivation, encouragement and recognition for you to get the best out of them. When carried out effectively the return on investment can be truly significant.

Over the Christmas break I read an employment survey from Towers Watson in the U.S. which highlighted some disturbing facts:-

7% of employees surveyed say their company is excellent at appreciating great work. In other words, 93% don’t.

12% of staff questioned said that they receive frequent appreciation for great work. What about the other 88%?

79% of staff noted a lack of appreciation as a key reason for leaving their jobs!

Many companies spend a large amount of time and money on leadership training and communication programs so there is no excuse for the figures above. Recognition should be a key component in the management armoury.

Employees want to know that their managers are aware of their efforts and accomplishments because when efforts are noticed they are repeated.

The time for change is now, so what’s stopping you? If you would like to know how we can help you, call us today on 03 9909 7411.

Tony Delaney, Brownie Points.

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