I am always impressed when I visit a company and they have their values, and often vision statements, proudly displayed in reception.
What is less impressive is that when asked, many employees do not know these values. In one recent visit to a prospective client, a large liquor wholesaler, the receptionist who had been with the company for three months and was sitting next to the value statement told me she had not read it, and no-one had mentioned it to her during her induction!
At the HR Summit last year a key discussion focused on the importance of company values in understanding and improving employee engagement. It concluded that:-
“Employees who believe their company’s senior leaders support and live the company’s values are much more committed to their employers, with significantly greater levels of workforce engagement resulting”.
It sounds easy – However, fewer than 50% of employees know their company values, and 75% say that they don’t believe them. If this is the case, it seems to me that senior management should be spending time ensuring that their staff really do understand the values that are driving their company.
Starting out is not difficult. The following basic principles will go a long way to ensuring success:
* Clearly define your organisation’s values
* Explain to your staff why these values are important to ensure business success
* Communicate the values to all staff constantly and consistently
* Live the values – from top management down – if your staff don’t see you ‘walk the walk’ why should they?
Following these simple principles is likely to motivate employees to become more engaged with your company, which will give your organisation a greater chance to do great work and be successful.
If you would like to learn how Brownie Points can help you build employee engagement call us today on 03 9909 7411 or email us at info@browniepoints.com.au