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Are your Values worth the paper they are written on?

By September 14, 2021 No Comments

Most companies have Corporate Values such as Respect, Integrity, Honesty and Teamwork, but when asked, they are unable to articulate how these translate into employee behaviours.

In many cases companies have invested (dare I say wasted?) thousands of Dollars on Consultants who come up with these bland statements and don’t follow through with clear definitions of how these look in the real world.

To ensure your staff live by your Values you need to clearly define them and show example behaviours that reflect these values and explain how they align with the Corporate Vision. Implemented well they will lay the foundations for employees to exceed your expectations through discretionary effort.

If you can’t define your organisations Values in terms of behaviour, they are effectively useless in achieving your mission.

Now is a great time to reflect on your values, to see how they can help your business in these uncertain times. Staff working remotely or as hybrid employees need clear guidelines to keep motivated. Making your Corporate Values meaningful, specific, and measurable is a good place to start.

Something to consider when looking to define your Values is to consider levels of “Good, Better and Best.” i.e., try to define three levels of behaviour for each Value. If you build these into your Culture of Appreciation program, whether manual or through an online recognition program, you will see amazing results.

You should look at unlocking the passion in your employees and align behaviours with the corporate culture to improve employee engagement and experience, by implementing programs that recognise discretionary effort and celebrate and publicise the associated behaviours

Thought leading organisations around the world understand the value of passionate employees and what they bring to their brand.

Unfortunately, too many companies still do not appreciate the correlation between passionate and engaged employees, and brand value and corporate performance. Employees living your Values will make an impact

Engaged employees are proven to take fewer sick days, stay longer, are more productive and deliver greater customer/guest experience.

Clarifying Values as behaviours is a great place to start building the passion and developing a Culture of Appreciation.

If you don’t look after your employees, your competitors will.

Tony Delaney, CEO, Brownie Points Software Pty Ltd



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