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Engaging your hybrid and remote workers

By August 31, 2021 No Comments

For the first time in fifty years, the data is showing that we have more vacancies than workers. It is a growing trend amongst Western countries, and it has been triggered by #Covid19.

Covid 19 is bringing into focus issues such as mental health, wellbeing, diversity, inclusion, gender equity and the need for people to feel a deeper sense of belonging and purpose – not isolated from each other – these are critical issues for managers right now.

The old models of micro-managing people in an office or engaging people extrinsically will not cut it anymore. People want to be treated as adults and to take responsibility for their own work ethos and standards and they want to be engaged from the heart. Since Covid, many people are assessing the quality of their experiences at work, and they want more.

It is important for organisations to build team spirit and connection with the entire workforce, especially during this highly disruptive time, with many employees forced to work out of the office.

Organisations that fail to do so are likely to experience increased levels of disengagement, or worse, they will lose their top talent as the world’s economies start to open for business once again.

Here are some tips on how to make your hybrid and remote employees feel inclusive and part of your team.

  1. Take advantage of social media

Encourage employees to use social media, especially inside your recognition platform, to post updates and start conversations with colleagues. Social media is a fun tool for employees to leverage and can be an effective addition, and stress reliever, to help make remote employees feel included.

  1. Encourage casual conversations

Remote team members don’t have a chance to chat around the coffee machine or at someone’s desk (does anyone these days?), so they often miss out on “catch up” conversations that help build connections and common ground within a team. If you run virtual meetings, take a little time to catch up at the beginning and encourage team members to do the same in their calls with their remote colleagues.

  1. Celebrate and promote successes

Many employees believe that their relationship with their manager would improve with more recognition, and many agree that recognising their colleagues makes them feel happier at work. Celebrate and share successes and wins on a regular basis through your employee recognition program or intranet. Cultivate a culture of appreciation and show remote employees that you are grateful for their everyday contributions and accomplishments. Recognition can be the bridge for your remote employees to spread appreciation and build a strong sense of community. There are some great platforms out there that will make this easy to maintain while maximising publicity of behaviours recognised.

  1. Gather employee feedback

When it comes to how to make remote and hybrid employees feel included, make it your priority to gather their feedback and act on it. A simple daily pulse survey may be a great place to start. Let employees know your company wants to hear their feedback and is available to listen, and act.

Remote employees will also feel more connected to your organisation if they feel they understand and feel part of the corporate vision. Appreciation and knowing the corporate goals are powerful motivators.

  1. Make hybrid and remote employees feel included from day one

Whether your remote employee is a new hire or a long serving team member now working from home, remember to make them feel included from day one. Make the extra effort to say “thank you” for a job well done. Employees are looking for connection and belonging, and even more so when they are working remotely.

Brownie Points works with thought leading organisations to ensure that the entire workforce in focused, appreciated, valued, and included.

To discuss how we can help you to maximise the potential in your employees in your business, call us today on +61 (0)3 9909 7411 or email us at

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