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Australian workers are less committed

By December 9, 2011 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

A recent report by employment gurus at Mercer Consulting outlined that “Australian workers are less committed and less satisfied today than they were five years ago”.

According to the survey “the most disgruntled workers reported being ready to bolt and were greatly dissatisfied with their benefit packages, type of work, available training opportunities and compensation”.

The discontent seems to stem from the current economic conditions and employers that have fewer staff working longer hours with less job security.

Staff working longer hours will eventually become less productive and demotivated, creating a situation where your best people ultimately look elsewhere for their employment.

Consequently, with lower numbers of staff carrying out more work, visionary managers and business owners are searching for new ways to engage, motivate and inspire their staff.

Reward and recognition programs are an ideal solution for meeting these difficult business challenges. Even though your staff may be working longer hours you can still motivate them through a reward and recognition program.

The Brownie Points team can help you deliver the perfect staff motivation program to enable you to regain the commitment of your team.

To find out how call today 03 9909 7411 or email


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