According to the recent Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends Report, employee engagement is the number one priority for HR departments as we move towards 2017 and will remain so for some time to come as the employment market tightens.
In a 2015 SHRM survey, employees rated engagement levels at work a 3.5 out of 5, so there is work to be done by management to lift engagement levels to maximise employee performance . So how do you boost employee engagement rates?
Here are four tips that featured in PC Magazine on how to improve your engagement program, and boost employee engagement:
- Measure your program: Do not make assumptions based on employee chatter based around the coffee machine or what you hear from managers. According to SHRM, surveys are used by 49% of employers to “take the temperature” of their employee engagement program. This is important to keep your program on track and to elicit a constant stream of feedback from employees. This not only maintains a successful program but helps to constantly improve it. Utilising technology, such as an online engagement platform will make this easier as it will deliver real time information which can be acted upon by managers.
- Make engagement a big deal: It’s really important to the bottom line, so treat it as such. Make it an executive and managerial priority and weave it into other full company initiatives. Without senior level buy-in, any engagement initiative will not be successful. Make employee engagement a top concern, keep it constant in your employees and managers everyday lives, and it will become less of an initiative and more the culture of your organisation. Align recognition with your corporate values to ensure it is consistent with your vision for the business. Implemented correctly, giving recognition, especially peer recognition, will be a pleasurable experience for the awarder and awardee, and will become the “norm” as your culture of recognition grows.
- Ditch the cash: Despite what employee engagement programs may have looked like 10-15 years ago, cash is no longer king in employee engagement. Cash bonuses that lack long-term trophy value are now being replaced with experiences, gift cards (e.g. Gold Class cinema tickets) and extra vacation time. Give your employees something memorable that will stick in their minds and have a lasting impact in how engaged they are. Giving cash will not tie a reward to the behaviour that was recognised and has been proven not to motivate employees who are paid a realistic wage.
- Audit your program: We mentioned a bit about feedback in point number one, but its importance cannot be emphasised enough. There should be a constant and regular (not annual or biannual) review of your program through employee feedback. Set up an email alias, or an always-on survey, or even an old-fashioned suggestion box in the office. Just make sure your employees’ voices are heard and heard often. This will ensure that the program remains valid and up to date. Utilising technology such as an online recognition program will automate much of this process, allowing management to keep their finger on the pulse of engagement.
Companies in the top quartile for engagement have a 21% higher profitability than companies in the bottom quartile according to Gallup, and the most engaged employees put in 57% more effort on the job as reported by PWC in its Keys to Corporate Responsibility Report. Just think what this would do to your bottom line.
Employee engagement is fundamental to your business. Brownie Points, along with our partners at HR Coach in Australia, and Good2Great People in South Africa, are helping firms deliver improved employee productivity and engagement.
If you would like to know how Brownie Points can deliver improved engagement, call the team today on 03 9909 7411, or email us at info@browniepoints.com.au or contact your local HR Network Coach for a no obligation discussion and demonstration.