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Creating passionate and effective teams

By October 28, 2021 No Comments

Without awareness you are fumbling in the dark. When you are aware of why people are not engaged and know what you can do to light a fire within them to generate passion, you will be able to make a plan to succeed.

Managers need to be trained to be aware of employees needs, what motivates them, and why they do what they do.

Awareness leads to understanding. To be an effective manager and get the best out of your team you need to understand each of your team members and what he or she needs to be passionate about helping you and your company to achieve your goals.

A key part of successful management is to be a good listener, so you can build trust, especially with those employees who are different from you. Awareness and understanding are key pillars in building high performance teams.

Ultimately, the commitment must start with you – the manager. Without your commitment to follow through and learn and apply the skills needed to generate the passion in your team your objectives cannot be achieved.

Human beings are complex, and yet their needs for becoming committed, passionate team members are simple to understand. People want to be appreciated, valued, and respected. Creating a Culture of Appreciation around these desires will build passion.

The leadership skills you need to ignite a fire within the team are not that complex, but because they do not come naturally to us, they must be learned.

The rewards for mangers and companies committed to listen, understand and act are enormous. Improved staff retention and talent attraction, increased productivity and greater customer experience are just some of the benefits you will see when your team is passionate and focused on the corporate vision.

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