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Don’t reward your employees this way!

By July 29, 2012 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

There are many myths on what works when it comes to recognising staff performance, and whether recognition is needed at all, and there are endless experts giving their high profile advice on the subject.

Over the course of the last eighteen months I have spoken with hundreds of employers, and it amazes me that three fundamental  ‘myths’ appear time after time when it comes to rewarding staff for performing well . With a little thought and imagination these myths can be despatched to the garbage bin forever – where they belong.

Today’s managers and business leaders should understand that treating staff well, recognising exceptional behaviour and rewarding staff that go the extra mile can have a huge impact on profitability, brand performance and return on investment.  

There are three key myths which should be busted. They are:

1. “I reward my staff with cash –money is great reward”.  Major research has shown that money does not motivate staff in the long term. A 2011 SHL report highlighted this perfectly. It may give a temporary boost to performance, but it does not have a long lasting impact compared to an experience. A cash bonus my pay the credit card bill and be forgotten soon after. An ‘experience’ has been shown to have a much longer lasting impact on performance. It doesn’t have to cost the earth – two Gold Class cinema tickets can cost as little as $70.

 2. “My staff are paid to work – we don’t need to think of their happiness as well”. Welcome to the manager who has not moved out of the era of Charles Dickens.  Happy, motivated and engaged staff perform at consistently higher levels, they represent you brand in a positive manner and can have a significant and positive impact on your profitability. Recognition for doing a great job doesn’t cost the earth, but a “thank you” to a staff member can be worth a fortune for your business. Develop a culture of recognition and benefit from the improvement in staff performance.

 3. “If I reward staff every time they do something good it will cost a fortune”.  As with the previous point this is an out dated and antiquated view on how to treat your staff. They are not machines. The cost of replacing a staff member can be as much as 150% of their salary. Employees expect to be treated like human beings. They do not need to be ‘rewarded’ for every useful task they perform. Paying them their wages and salaries covers much of this. However, your star performers who regularly go the extra mile are worth their weight in gold. Acknowledging their contribution to the business can take many forms, but will deliver a great return on your investment.

At Brownie Points we specialise in helping employers recognise great staff performance. To learn more about how Brownie Points recognition and reward programs can play a key role in your business give us a call today on 03 9909 7411 or email us at

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