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Frustrations of giving feedback

By October 14, 2021 No Comments

Around 60% of employees say their employer has solicited their feedback (usually through employee engagement surveys) on how to improve employee experience and the business.

Unfortunately, when it comes to implementing issues or suggestions identified, around 35% of employees say their manager is “OK” with acting upon and discussing the issues, and feedback, with 65% admitting that “nothing gets done.” Of the 65%, 18% of employees say their managers are “horrible” at acting on the feedback and do nothing about it.

So, if you are going to ask your employees for feedback and ideas, ACCEPT THE FEEDBACK IN THE CORRECT SPIRIT, AND ACT UPON IT OR GIVE REASONS WHY IT IS NOT PROACTICAL! Do not let it disappear into a black hole.

It is better not to ask in the first place if you do not plan to accept the responses. Asking and doing nothing is very demoralising as I have experienced with the many surveys I get after shopping, where I never hear back about my feedback.

Surveys are expensive and time consuming for all concerned, so why waste money and employee motivation if you are not committed to acting.

Employees often have great ideas and are closer to the “coal face” so LISTEN and ACT.

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