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Home and remote based inclusion

By October 17, 2021 No Comments

Recent studies have indicated that 51% of home based workers are concerned that their manager or supervisor doubts their quality of their work and productivity. This worry may contribute to employee burn out, as nearly half (46%) of employees say they worry their manager doubts their productivity and commitment when working remotely and this causes them to work longer hours, logging on earlier and logging off later than they need to.

Almost half (46%) of employees feel less connected to their company and colleagues since the start of the Covid pandemic. In addition, 42% admit that they feel that the company culture has declined since the start of Covid, with most employees placing the blame on a lack of communication or lack of effort to make remote workers feel connected and part of the corporate vision.

Senior managers need to realise that these are serious concerns that are likely to create stress and burn out, and that health and wellbeing is likely to suffer as a result, with top talent deciding that they should move on.

It is therefore critical that management focus their attention on the corporate culture and developing a method for appreciating great work and giving positive feedback across the organisation is a key factor to maintain enthusiasm and passion in the workplace, wherever the employee is based -head office, home, satellite office or local café.

Building a culture of appreciation that allows employees to give real time positive feedback that can be viewed by everyone in the organisation is a powerful motivator in the fight to maintain and improve corporate culture, productivity, and wellness across the entire workforce.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated, valued and respected. If you don’t recognise your employees contribution with positive feedback in a timely and appropriate manner your competitors will cherry pick your top talent, making your challenge even greater.

tony Delaney, CEO Brownie Points Software

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