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Low cost rewards part 1

By March 10, 2012 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

When times are tough and money is tight, you can still implement a reward program with interesting and inspirational awards that won’t blow the budget.

All you need to do is think outside the box, encourage your employees to contribute ideas within a certain budget, and then go for it.

Here are five reward ideas that won’t cost the earth but will motivate your staff.

1. Flexi-time. You may require staff to be at work during core office hours, after which the employee could set their schedule around this. You will be amazed at the productivity improvement.

2. Innovation days. Set aside several days a year to allow employees to step away from their usual responsibilities to tackle projects related to the way they work. Results should be shared at a team meeting.

3. Wellbeing benefits. Offer employees a reimbursement for purchases related to fitness (up to a specific $ value per year). Typical items could include gym memberships, running shoes, bicycles, and so on. The reduction in sick days will be worth it.

4. Summer hours. Employees like to finish early on Fridays during the summer months, allowing them to beat the heat as well as the traffic if they’re heading out to the beach for a weekend.

5. Part time telecommuting. In an increasingly mobile and digitally connected world, many employees can easily and successfully work from home part-time. The improved productivity will pay for this many times over.

The benefits derived from the above should deliver a measurable return on your investment while motivating your employees, improving customer satisfaction, reducing staff turnover, and increasing customer satisfaction.

At Brownie Points we help our clients choose the most effective inspirational rewards to meet their business requirements and budget. To learn how we could help you maximise your investment in your staff call us on 03 9909 7411 or email us at

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