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Rise in employee engagement

By February 3, 2013 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

New research published last week by Temkin Group showed that U.S. employee engagement has risen in the past year, which is good news.  Those companies with highly engaged employees are experiencing improved productivity and reduced staff turnover leading to increased profits.

What happens in the U.S. often follows on to this part of the world which potentially bodes well for organisations in Australia and New Zealand.  

An interesting feature of the report highlighted that motivated staff are three times more likely to recommend business improvements and are twice as likely to do something positive for the company even if it is not expected of them.  They are also twice as likely to stay late or come in early to get something done or help a co-worker without being asked.

The report goes on to acknowledge that a highly engaged staff member is more than six times as likely to recommend a friend or relative for a job.

The results were taken from a survey of 2,400 full-time U.S. employees from August of last year compared to August 2011. The report highlighted that 57% are moderately or highly engaged, which is an increase from 47%.

As I have commented previously in my blogs, highly motivated and engaged staff are a valuable asset for any organisation. They can have a huge impact on brand value and the bottom line.

Now here’s the catch………………………………..

What the report doesn’t identify specifically is why people are feeling more engaged, and while our employment market is still soft you may feel that you don’t need to motivate and engage your staff.

However if you wait until the labour market tightens up it may be too late. Your best people could have already moved on, so now is a great time to consider your staff engagement initiatives to motivate your employees. Recognition programs can play a significant  role in this area.

Recognition and reward programs take time to bed in before the results become clear but implemented well they will become a serious weapon in the engagement armoury.

So think about developing your culture of recognition today. It shouldn’t cost the earth and the results could be enormous.

If you would like to discuss how Brownie Points can help you engage your staff, call the team today on 03 9909 7411 or email us at

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