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Fact: Engaged employees outperform

By August 18, 2012 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

A Gallup survey of large companies has concluded once again that engaged, motivated managers and workers are a very good thing to have.

The survey also indicates that companies with high “employee engagement” financially outperform those with low engagement.

Similar numbers hold true for medium sized companies. A 2012 survey of Chief Executives in the San Francisco area ranked a dedicated workforce third on a list of most important elements of their companies’ success.

It is vital that the foundation for a positive working environment with engaged employees starts from the top. Senior management must present a clear vision and commitment to sustaining long term engagement.

In order to do this, there are several factors that need to be in place to ensure success and sustainability. My top three are listed below:

1. Clearly defined goals. If management do not clearly define the goals and required performance levels across the organisation it will make it difficult for staff to know what to aim for. Don’t expect high performance if the team doesn’t know where it’s headed and what it should avoid.

2. Consistent measurement. Staff must have a clear idea of how success will be measured. Don’t discard the emotional incentive tucked away in a definition of failure and success for each person and each team. However, ensure that measurement is consistent from all angles. 

3. Team and individual recognition. Recognition is a vastly underutilised motivator. Individual, team and department performance should be visible across the organisation. The emotional pleasure of being recognised as an individual or part of a top performing team for all to see is a powerful motivator.

When you consider the time, effort and money invested in recruiting and training scarce talent, a little thought on how to retain motivate and engage employees will be well rewarded.

To learn how Brownie Points can help your business by engaging and motivating your staff call us on 03 9909 7411 or email us at

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