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Show Your Employees Your Appreciation

By July 23, 2019 May 6th, 2020 No Comments

Valued employees are valuable employees. Showing your people that they are valued and appreciated can have a major impact on your business, and they are likely to respond with loyalty and higher productivity.

When it comes to retaining your best employees, more money isn’t always the answer.

No-one objects to a bonus or an extra week of paid time off, but sometimes employees just want to feel appreciated. organisations that fail to recognise the efforts of their employees not only create tension in their relationships, but also lower the productivity of their teams. Engaged employees are proven to deliver greater discretionary effort. Recognition for positive behaviour can help drive employee engagement.

According to a recent study 69 percent of people surveyed said they would work harder if they believed their managers appreciated their work. If employees don’t feel appreciated, they don’t work as hard — and why should they? From their perspective, no one notices if they beat the average performance. Their only motivation to do well is to keep their jobs.

Appreciated and valued staff are more likely to be motivated workers. By instilling recognition as part of the company culture, you can not only improve morale in the office, but also increase productivity while reducing staff turnover.

To show your workers that you value their contributions, consider some of the following forms of employee appreciation.

  1. Offer career growth opportunities.

Learning and development opportunities might not sound as fun as a staff barbecue, but some of the most driven employees prefer their rewards in the form of additional knowledge. Give employees new resources to expand their horizons, then provide them opportunities to take on projects outside the scope of their usual duties. Employees appreciate the investment in their professional growth, and the company enjoys a more skilled, versatile workforce as a result. Everyone wins.

  1. Facilitate health and well-being.

Healthy people make healthy employees. And healthy employees utilise take far less sick leave and have more energy throughout the day. That’s why 87 percent of employers surveyed by Healthcare Trends Institute in 2018 offered some level of incentive for employees to work out, eat better or lose weight.

Implement a wellness program with gym membership or yoga classes that rewards employees for healthy activities. People who already work out will be grateful for the bonus, while those who do not will see the program as an opportunity for self-improvement will see it as an indication that the company cares.

  1. Involve employees in company decisions and outreach efforts.

Demonstrate trust by allowing employees to help decide what the company does with its profits. That doesn’t mean employees should get to vote on potential acquisitions, but employees who feel like their opinions are valued are more likely to work hard for the company’s mission.

  1. Adopt peer recognition programs.

Research from SHRM discovered that 51% of companies surveyed who use peer-to-peer recognition programs see improvements in customer satisfaction. When employees can recognise each other publicly for their good deeds — for instance, assisting with an important project or producing work of exceptional quality, those positive feelings resonate throughout the company.

  1. Offer paid time off.

Time off is kind of like money, but even better. It’s money earned while relaxing on the couch, watching a movie or playing with the kids. Provide ample opportunities for employees to create the work-life balance that fits their needs.

Employees are the driving force behind every company’s success, and it’s time they felt appreciated for that. Implement one or more of these recognition ideas or use them as a springboard for your own ideas to show employees how much they matter to your business.

At Brownie Points we believe that recognising great performance and giving positive feedback really makes a difference, and we can make it work for you.

Brownie Points is working with thought leading organisations around the world to tailor employee feedback and recognition programs that have a positive impact on the bottom line.

With our growing network of national and international alliance partners we are helping our clients deliver cost effective employee recognition programs for their business.

To learn how Brownie Points could make a difference to your business, call the team today on + 61 (3) 9909 7411 to discuss your plans, or for more information or to arrange a free demonstration email us at


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